Monday, August 22, 2011

Puppy Chronicles -- Part 2

Good morning to my fan club!  
Everyone here keeps calling me D-O-L-L (I don't know what that is).   My new mom says that I am the most well-behaved puppy she's ever seen.    I walk outside with Mom like a real pro; she says she's never seen anything like it!    I'm no longer afraid of thresholds, or subway grating.   Stairs are a whole 'nother matter, and we've been avoiding crowds, but I'll come around.     

I'm adjusting really well to life in Brooklyn!     Mom put me on this new diet.. no more kibble for me!    I ate a huge chicken wing yesterday -- I will have the best teefs!    I have to go to the vet-ri-narian (I think I spelt that right) on Friday so that they can stick needles in me... I'm scared, but I'll get over it.

Now, there's the matter of those Katz.     Vaggio the Terrible is my buddy; he seems to like me!    Sherman just stares me down still, and I only chased him once =)     Benjamin and Sophie are two weasles who didn't come from out of the bed all day yesterday.     We all got something called Flower Essences last night to sooth our nerves, and everyone is a little better today!

This morning, I woke Mom up at 3AM because my tail started wagging and banging against my temporary bedroom (krate?) and she was afraid I was going to wake the neighbors.    So we went out for a stroll.    Now I'm chomping on a bully stick.     I'm so darn cute.

Talk later !


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